Jeremey took Sterling to his first football game last Friday at Williston High (where Jeremey works). He and Daddy had a great time and Mommy got some much needed alone time to get some work done. :)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Recent Developments
First things first...the good news: Sterling had his follow-up EKG and echocardiograph yesterday and Doc says all is well with out little man's ticker. He's perfect! Of course, we already knew that!
Jeremey took Sterling to his first football game last Friday at Williston High (where Jeremey works). He and Daddy had a great time and Mommy got some much needed alone time to get some work done. :)
I know that I'm holding the bottle up in this picture, but that's just because Jeremey and I didn't have the camera ready while Sterling was holding it up himself. Yeah, it was a cute little fluke. Of course he can't hold his bottle up yet...but it was still adorable!
For the last week or so, Sterling has been trying to get that cute little thumb of his into his mouth. He is really bumbly about it and ususally ends up bopping himself in the face a few times before he gives up. Sometimes he gets it in there, but nothing much comes of is shown in this picture where he's pretty much just liking his thumb.
Ah, but today...TODAY...he actually got the thumb in the mouth, fully extended, and was sucessfully sucking it! It was adorable...and, naturally, no one was around to bask in the joy of the moment with me. I did, however have the camera handy. YES!!! I didn't even realize he was doing it until I heard him. Then I looked down and saw the cutest thing ever. He was holding onto my collar and sucking his thumb at the same time. Ahhhh!
Jeremey took Sterling to his first football game last Friday at Williston High (where Jeremey works). He and Daddy had a great time and Mommy got some much needed alone time to get some work done. :)
Friday, September 19, 2008
Who does Sterling look like?
So, I dug up some baby pics of Jeremey and I to post so we can see where Sterling got his good looks. :) Here's a cute pic of Jeremey...Look at that big smile!!!...and that stray pinky finger! ADORABLE!!!
Here's our beautiful baby boy. (How do you like that left eye drifting out like that?! Hee hee!!!)
And I couldn't find any good baby pics of me where you could see a good straight-on shot of my face...but I think this pic will do. I'd guess I'm about 18 months old in the shot. I'm with my sis...isn't she a doll! You can see now why I've always been self conscious about having chubby cheeks! Ha!
My vote: I think Sterling looks more like me as a child. Hopefully he looks more and more like his Daddy as he gets older!

And now for a blast from the past! I found these pics of Jeremey when he was in the ARMY. That would be 1991! Look how TINY he was! He couldn't be an ounce over 135 in these pictures.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Too Cute!!!
Jeremey's mom (Grandmother) came to stay with us for a week in August...near the time Sterling was supposed to be born. We had a wonderful time with her and Sterling just couldn't get enough Granmother-kisses!
All that kissin' made him sleepy!!!
Here is "sheep"...Sterling's best pal. They chill on the couch together...
they hug and play...
and they even do circus tricks together! What a pair!!!
Sterling enjoys the warm sun as he basks near a window. Doesn't he look so big now?!
I bought this neck pillow for him b/c his head bobbles a little too much in his car seat for mommy's taste. Two words: Papa Smurf. LOL!!!
This is just a cute shot of him. Yes, he's sleeping on his tummy. Don't freak out...we only let him sleep this way if we are right next to him on the couch...never at night or when we're in another room.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Check out my shiner
So, I wish I could say that I got this ugly black eye from some brave act or from some exciting adventure...but, alas...I cannot. I stood up out of bed one morning to go feed Sterling and I must have stood up too fast...b/c the next thing I knew, my face was a centimeter away from my night stand. Jeremey said I just fell like a tree right into it. It was really scary for both Jeremey and me. Talk about a head ache! You can't see it in this picture, but my head hit the dresser in three spots, near my hairline, just above my eye brow, and right at the corner of my eye. The worst part of all of this is going out in public. I feel like everyone is staring at me and I've even gotten a few sad faces from I'm a "battered wife" or something. Jeremey beating ME up?! Yeah right!!! He knows better than to pick that fight! Hee hee!

2 Months Already!?!
Well, my beautiful baby boy is two months old today. He is healthy and happy and his guardian angel must be a part-time chef b/c Sterling weighed in at 9 lbs 1 oz today!!! That's almost a pound a week for the last three weeks!!! Today was vaccination day...three shots and one oral vaccination. He sucked the tylenol and the oral vaccination down like they were candy. The shots went pretty well, too. He cried, of course (anyone would), but as soon as the nurse picked him up to console him, he was just fine. Such a little man.
I'm recovering from the cesarean very well. I'm back to teaching 2-3 group fitness classes a week and doing karate (in moderation...front kicks are still pretty difficult). My incision is still numb in places, but I'll take numb over painful any day of the week. :)
Jeremey started teaching again a couple weeks ago and he's slowly acclimating to the sleep deprivation that comes with a newborn. Well, maybe he's not acclimating to it...I'm not sure you ever really get used to that...but he's tolerating it like a champ. I'm so impressed with single parents. I know that I COULD do this alone if I HAD to...but I'm so thankful that I don't have to. Jeremey is such a rock! I'm so anxious for next semester to come already so that Jeremey can spend even more time with Sterling and teach him how to be an amazing man.
I'm recovering from the cesarean very well. I'm back to teaching 2-3 group fitness classes a week and doing karate (in moderation...front kicks are still pretty difficult). My incision is still numb in places, but I'll take numb over painful any day of the week. :)
Jeremey started teaching again a couple weeks ago and he's slowly acclimating to the sleep deprivation that comes with a newborn. Well, maybe he's not acclimating to it...I'm not sure you ever really get used to that...but he's tolerating it like a champ. I'm so impressed with single parents. I know that I COULD do this alone if I HAD to...but I'm so thankful that I don't have to. Jeremey is such a rock! I'm so anxious for next semester to come already so that Jeremey can spend even more time with Sterling and teach him how to be an amazing man.
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