This is Sensei Richard Bonsteel, Howard's instructor and the man who tested us for our black belts. He is a 6th degree black belt (notice the red and white belt). He trained directly under the master of our style in Okinawa.
Here's Jeremey and I working on Seisan Kata...the very first kata we learned. In most styles this kata is a black belt kata...but in our style this is where you start.
In this picture, Sensei Bonsteel is showing Jeremey a hidden techniqe in one of the kata moves.
Those of us testing (Jeremey, Howard, and myself) had to perform one of our kata alone. Jeremey was asked to do the first bo kata. He is very good at weapons kata. I, on the other hand, am much more of an "open hand" kata gal.
Here, Sensei Bonsteel is showing Jeremey another he's up...
And now he's DOWN! Sensei Bonsteel tossed Jeremey around like a rag doll. Jeremey loves this stuff! I could do without...LOL! Once Jeremey was on the ground, Sensei hyperextended his arm and touched a pressure point under his jaw to make him really squirm. Painful? Yup. And still, Jeremey LOVES it!
After Jeremey was released, they bowed to one another to show thanks and respect.
We worked with Sensei Bonsteel for about an hour and a half on Wednesday and again for about 2 1/2 hours on Friday before our actual test day...though really, all of it was part of the test. Yesterday we worked for only 2 hours before being honored with our black belts. (However, some of us stuck around and trained for another hour after it was all over...hard core, I know!) Here, Sensei Bonsteel and Sensei Howard are asking us to the front to receive our new belts.
I'd say getting your black belt at 4 1/2 months pregnant is pretty good...I know I'm proud! It was a long week for me (and little Sterling)...but it was still fun and well worth all the hard work. Jeremey always kids around and says that Sterling is going to be born an automatic green belt! LOL! I'm excited to be a black belt because it means that I'm now a sensei (teacher)...and you all know how I feel about teaching!
Jeremey feels the same way I do about teaching...we both can't get enough of it. Before handing Jeremey his black belt, Sensei Bonsteel told Jeremey that he had an outstanding character (I was glowing with pride in this picture) and he emphasized how important teaching is. We are very proud of our style of karate and are glad to help pass this on to future generations.