So, I'm a little slow to get these pics up...but better late than never, right?! Here are a few of the pics we took in KS while visiting with my Step-Mom (Granny Shelley), brothers, and my Dad (Grandpa Hansen).
I adore this shot of my brother, Clinton, with Sterling.

Sterling and Tia Jackie looking at a ceiling fan...ooooooooo...ahhhhhhhhh.

Sterling with my brothers, Clint on the left, Chris on the right...playing dead, I think???

Granny Shelley had a bunny (Hoppy) who just loved Sterling. And Sterling loved Hoppy right back.

Here is my Grandpa Preston with his new wife, Christine, and Clint.

Grandpa and Chris.

Clinton joined the high school wrestling team this year, so he wanted to go round or two with Jeremey...which Jeremey was more than happy to comply with.

Sterling with Granny Shelley.

Check out these stylin' shades Grandpa Hansen let Sterling play with. This pic is on our fridge and it makes me laugh daily!

Here we are with Grandpa Hansen.

Sterling had a blast playing on the floor with Grandpa Hansen.

Another 4 generation shot...yay!

Here is Sterling with my Aunt Tami (Granny Shelley's sister). They were having the best time playing was cute to watch. What's really great about this pic is that Sterling is all decked out in K-State gear...and my Aunt Tami is a HUGE, DIE-HARD KU fan...go Wildcats...LOL!!!
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