Friday, June 5, 2009

Getting Caught Up...Finally

I'm finally getting caught up on the blog. Here are some pics I've been meaning to get posted for a while.

Meet Bob...our punching pal. Sterling was a little taken back by Bob, at first.
But he warmed up to him pretty fast.
Now, they're best buddies!
We went to a birthday party for a girl in our Karate club. Her father got a magician for her party and he was amazing and hilarious! I got to be in a lot of the tricks b/c I'm so animated with my reactions...I loved it! The magician's name was Dr. B Magic and he combined character messages (such as: don't be racist or use racism as an excuse to feel bitter...don't sag your pants...and don't hang out with people who are doing bad things...etc...) with his magic tricks. What an inspiring act! I just had to get a picture with this amazing man.
Here's our little monkey-boy...holding his bottle with hands AND feet. Sometimes, he just holds on with his feet and no cute!
The birthday party we went to was a pool Sterling got his first taste of a cholorinated pool. We got him this little floaty-crab to keep the sun off of him since he's a whitey like his mommy. :)

Sterling and Daddy eating a hearty breakfast together...these two are like peas in a pod...always together.
Mastering the art of Karate already...Sterling handles Daddy's bo staff like a pro already. Okay, maybe not, but he sure has fun playing with it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What an ADORABLE water floatie!