Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy father's day to all the fathers we know out there in blogger-land.

Since it was Jeremey's first official year as a daddy, I wanted to get him something that he's been wanting for a while...another tat. Yep, you heard correctly, I got him a tattoo for father's day...check it out.


The shading will fade over time, so the text will stand out a little more. Since Sterling was born on the 4th of July, we wanted somthing a little on the patriotic, white, and blue. And since his name is a derivation of the word "star" and actually means "shining star"...the shape.

Our Happy Boy

Sterling is just the happiest little guy. Nine times out of ten there'll be a big grin on his face...and it just makes me soooooooo happy, too.

Sterling is playing with his older cousins, Alex and Joey Jr.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Last of the KS pics

So, I'm a little slow to get these pics up...but better late than never, right?! Here are a few of the pics we took in KS while visiting with my Step-Mom (Granny Shelley), brothers, and my Dad (Grandpa Hansen).

I adore this shot of my brother, Clinton, with Sterling.
Sterling and Tia Jackie looking at a ceiling fan...ooooooooo...ahhhhhhhhh.
Sterling with my brothers, Clint on the left, Chris on the right...playing dead, I think???
Granny Shelley had a bunny (Hoppy) who just loved Sterling. And Sterling loved Hoppy right back.
Here is my Grandpa Preston with his new wife, Christine, and Clint.
Grandpa and Chris.
Clinton joined the high school wrestling team this year, so he wanted to go round or two with Jeremey...which Jeremey was more than happy to comply with.
Sterling with Granny Shelley.
Check out these stylin' shades Grandpa Hansen let Sterling play with. This pic is on our fridge and it makes me laugh daily!
Here we are with Grandpa Hansen.
Sterling had a blast playing on the floor with Grandpa Hansen.
Another 4 generation shot...yay!
Here is Sterling with my Aunt Tami (Granny Shelley's sister). They were having the best time playing was cute to watch. What's really great about this pic is that Sterling is all decked out in K-State gear...and my Aunt Tami is a HUGE, DIE-HARD KU fan...go Wildcats...LOL!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Aunt Jessie and Uncle Jason's Visit

Aunt Jessie and Uncle Jason came to visit us last weekend. They are expecting a little boy at the end of September. Isn't she just the most adorable preggy-lady ever!?!
Jessie and Jason tied the knot in April. I was not able to attend and Jeremey helped give her I was super pumped to get to see them! We took them to La Chua Trail here in Gainesville to do some gator-watchin'. We saw some pretty large bull gators and they were very active, too.
We kept Sterling shaded on our trail walk so he wouldn't get fried. He liked helping with the umbrella.

Getting Caught Up...Finally

I'm finally getting caught up on the blog. Here are some pics I've been meaning to get posted for a while.

Meet Bob...our punching pal. Sterling was a little taken back by Bob, at first.
But he warmed up to him pretty fast.
Now, they're best buddies!
We went to a birthday party for a girl in our Karate club. Her father got a magician for her party and he was amazing and hilarious! I got to be in a lot of the tricks b/c I'm so animated with my reactions...I loved it! The magician's name was Dr. B Magic and he combined character messages (such as: don't be racist or use racism as an excuse to feel bitter...don't sag your pants...and don't hang out with people who are doing bad things...etc...) with his magic tricks. What an inspiring act! I just had to get a picture with this amazing man.
Here's our little monkey-boy...holding his bottle with hands AND feet. Sometimes, he just holds on with his feet and no cute!
The birthday party we went to was a pool Sterling got his first taste of a cholorinated pool. We got him this little floaty-crab to keep the sun off of him since he's a whitey like his mommy. :)

Sterling and Daddy eating a hearty breakfast together...these two are like peas in a pod...always together.
Mastering the art of Karate already...Sterling handles Daddy's bo staff like a pro already. Okay, maybe not, but he sure has fun playing with it.

Aunt Jackie's Visit

My sister, Jackie, came to visit us for about 5 days. She lives in Kansas, so we don't get to visit often. While she was here, we went to Daytona Beach to show Jackie what FL life is like (sometimes). We took Sterling's pack-n-play to minimize sand in the mouth (and everywhere else, too)...and he had a blast!
We did let him experience the beach a little was Jackie's and Sterling's first trip to the Atlantic.
Jackie made us some REAL Mexican food...chille rellenos...mmmmmmmm!

The Back Yard

We are blessed with a beautiful, huge, grandfather oak tree in our back yard. Unfortunately, it causes the soil to be very acidic and a little too shady for grass growth. Sooo...we decided that it would be easier to sweep a deck than to constantly rake a dirt yard. Here's what our yard looked like BEFORE...
And here's what it looks like now...

Some friends of ours build it for us...and did a great job. It's just what we wanted. :) Now we have our own dojo (place to practice karate) in the back yard!