Rules: Write 6 random things about yourself, link the person who tagged you, and post the rules...oh...and tag 6 more people! Have fun!
Six Random Things...as tagged by Emily Sorgius (www.calebandemily.blogspot.com)
1. Even though I love being a student and have been in school FOREVER, I never actually had aspirations of getting my PhD...I always just wanted to be a teacher. I only decided to get my PhD after several of my college professors told me I'd need to in order to teach at the college level. Turns out that's not exactly right...but too late now! LOL!
2. I have always wanted to be black...probably b/c my sister is and I always found her more attractive than myself. Just something pretty to me about dark skin, hair, and eyes.
3. When I was younger (WAY younger), I wanted to be a "fly-girl" on M-TV. Go ahead...laugh.
4. I have a filthy mouth...I swear like a sailor sometimes. Not something I'm proud of...and I work daily to keep it under control. Having Sterling has helped me a lot with this nasty little issue.
5. The first "thing" I ever disected was a human being. That's right. In middle and high school I bartered with other students in order to get out of having to touch a gross, slimy worm or frog! Eeeew! HA! I would write lab reports or do other homework assignments in order to escape the trauma of cutting open any little thing. But for some reason or another, cutting the skin off a human cadaver didn't bother me at all...and still doesn't. Go figure.
6. I'm living my dream. I have a husband that is more a blessing to me with each passing day. I have a beautiful, healthy son who brings me unspeakable joy. I am working in a field that I feel contributes to society. I am a teacher. God is good...enough said.
I tag: Jared Hansen, Nicole Hansen, Jeremey Ahlgren, Karen Bonar, Eric Bonar, and Sarah Miller. If you share a blog...just post individually. :) I don't know that many people with blogs that haven't already been tagged...so I had to double up a bit. Can't wait to see your random facts.
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