We just recently went on a trip to Kansas so Sterling could meet his family that lives there. We spent the bulk of our time in Belle Plaine/Wichita, but I managed a 24 hour trip to Manhattan. Nana and Papa put us up in their home for the first part of our trip and Granny put up with us the second half. We all had a blast. Sterling was such a good boy! We left our house at 2:30 AM to drive to the airport in Jacksonville and Sterling didn't fuss a bit. As a matter of fact, Sterling was awake the whole trip to Kansas. He talked to anyone in sight and played with mommy and daddy. I'm definetly a proud papa and husband. On our way back from Kansas Sterling slept off the trip and began his recovery from a little cold he picked up during our visit.
Thank you Nana, Papa, Granny Shelley, and Don for putting us up. Pedro, thanks for offering to let me stay at your place.

This is Kansas for ya.
I'm chillin with a couple of old ARMY buddies in Manhattan. We have known each other for about 18 years!