With the new year many changes have occured. Sterling is experimenting with solid foods, sitting up quite well on is own, manipulating objects in his environment, learning american sign language and helping daddy around the house. It's been a while since we have added to our blog because we had company for a bit, the work schedule is extremely demanding and then the whole house got sick. But, the doom and gloom is over and we are getting back to our regularly scheduled program : ).
Sterling is a drooling fool these days! But, we have not discovered any teeth yet.
Sterling spends a lot of time in his little jumper play station.

I think he looks like a mad scientist in this one!
Feeding him cereal has been a real blast! He doesn't particularly like the taste, but he eats it anyway to make his mommy and daddy happy.
Sterling and Jeremey play outside quite a bit. They spend a lot of time exploring the Veteran's Memorial park on Tower road.