I've made it another 4 weeks...and what a crazy month it's been! I've had a couple trips to the labor and delivery ER in the last few weeks. Everything turned out fine, but it was a tiny bit scary. Baby Sterling is growing and growing and growing and I'm doing the same. Doc has me on a fairly restricted activity regimen, so I'm going out of my mind...but I'm hanging in there b/c I know that having a full-term bundle of joy is worth the sacrifice. And as my boss so lovingly pointed out, now that I'm a mommy, mental sanity is no longer a luxury I get to indulge in. LOL!
The next three pics are sonogram pics taken around 20 weeks. This is a cute little profile. In this pic, you can see both lower arm bones (radius and ulna) and the handbones (metacarpals)...that's why the sonogram nurse wrote "hello" on the image. :)
Here's a really good profile of Sterling. The "black hole" in the middle of his chest is actually his heart...it is soooo amazing to get to see each little chamber pumping away. Heaven for both the anatomist as well as the mommy in me!
This sonogram shot was actually taken at the emergency room at my last trip...so he's 24 weeks old in this hot. You can see all 4 fingers and thumb...they are in a fist with thumb out...like a hitch-hiker. He's probably getting ready to or just got done sucking...cute, huh?! And here I am at 28 weeks (so Sterling is really only 26 weeks old). I'm up to 124 lbs. and 34 inches around. All abdominal definition has completely gone. Believe it or not, I'm still able to do crunches (modified, of course)...and yes...my doc says that's perfectly fine. I'm all for anything that's gonna help me get that baby outta me faster when the time comes...and that includes having strong abs!!!
About a month ago, Jeremey and I went to the beach with some friends, so I had to hit Target to get a preggy-suit. Can I just say how aweful swim-suits are for pregnant women. They look like they are made for 80-year olds! Seriously, they're atrocious! So, I ended up just buying a regular 2-piece...in much larger sizes than I'm used to. It's a strange feeling buying an extra-large top when I've only ever worn a small. LOL!